• Question: Did you have a good science teacher growing up and did that impact your view on engineering?

    Asked by Hannah :) to Ryan, Nadine, Matt, Emma, Daniel, Allanah on 18 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Allanah Green

      Allanah Green answered on 18 Jun 2019: last edited 18 Jun 2019 3:49 pm

      As i went to an all girls secondary there was lot of sessions on women in science and women in technology which did inspire and empower me to become the best version of myself. In regards to good science teachers i dont think they directly impacted my view on engineering but they taught me to push myself and work hard.

    • Photo: Ryan Smith

      Ryan Smith answered on 18 Jun 2019:

      I had a great design technology teacher who let me experiment with engineering during STEM clubs. He moved away soon after I finished GCSE’s but he had the passion that you need to inspire young people into engineering.

    • Photo: Matt Keith

      Matt Keith answered on 19 Jun 2019:

      Yes! My chemistry and physics a-level teachers were both great. They were patient and made the lessons interesting, which in turn meant I looked forward to them and wanted to learn!

    • Photo: Nadine Priestman

      Nadine Priestman answered on 19 Jun 2019:

      Yes, although it was a long time ago! The science and engineering that’s taking place all around us today, has had more impact on my view on engineering. Engineering and science is all around us on our mobiles on the tv and evolving so quickly. What’s happening in the future is having more of an impact on me with the robots that are in charge of hotels, cars with no drivers and gaming that seems to have gone off the scale!

    • Photo: Daniel Wye

      Daniel Wye answered on 19 Jun 2019:

      I had a couple of really good teachers, and they definitely helped to make Science more accessible and had an influence on my decision to pursue engineering.
