• Question: What are your opinions on climate change?

    Asked by jazz128tap to Ryan, Nadine, Matt, Emma, Daniel, Allanah on 18 Jun 2019.
    • Photo: Allanah Green

      Allanah Green answered on 18 Jun 2019:

      I have paid more attention to climate change in the recent years – its is becoming more evident and ruining beautiful landscapes and nature. It is an ever increasing problem and i feel that we need to come together to help deter it and slow down the effects.

    • Photo: Ryan Smith

      Ryan Smith answered on 18 Jun 2019:

      I think we need to make some major changes to the way we deal with waste and pollution. Climate change is scientifically proven to be getting worse because of us, and there is so much we can all do to fix it and make it better. There are great opportunities for engineers to fix these problems, and there are plenty of problems to fix.

    • Photo: Matt Keith

      Matt Keith answered on 19 Jun 2019:

      Climate change is the single biggest issue facing humans (and the planet!) today. Most of the technology exists to reduce our impact, what is missing is a lack of legislation to enforce things like reducing carbon emissions and not enough funding for things like new types of solar panels to be made available to everyone.

    • Photo: Nadine Priestman

      Nadine Priestman answered on 19 Jun 2019:

      I’m very concerned about the impact of climate change. We should take more action to combat it and to improve our quality of life. We need to protect our tropical forests to cut our greenhouse gas emissions. We also need to think about drought as this is also a concern for many countries. I’m very concerned about the pollution plastic causes and I’m now trying to cut down on the amount of plastic I use.

    • Photo: Daniel Wye

      Daniel Wye answered on 19 Jun 2019:

      There is a lot going on in the world, and it’s hard to know which to focus on first, but it’s clear that deforestation, pollution and population/agriculture increases are being linked to more unpredictable weather, melting of the polar ice caps, overall rises in sea and global temperatures. We have limited influence on politicians to take any action, but as the others have said, we all need to do our bit and start to reduce our waste / pollution.
